Since the beginning of the American library movement, Friends groups have been formed by citizens using their collective powers to do a little and everything from helping to run a book sale to ensuring that our book legacy remains viable. By contributing as a Library Friend, you can make a lasting difference for your library.

Friends of the Library are members of the society just like you - individuals who value the Library and its role in the community. The Friends commit to advocate for the Library and support collections, services, programs, and staff development on regular basis.

How important are Friends community? They can literally make the difference between a budget increase and cut for their library.

Once you become a Friend, you become an integral part in the Library projects development and provide stability to help the Library to collect and to administer the grants, gifts, and bequests that help make the Library such an integral part of this community.

Benefits of Friends Membership
  • Newsletters
  • Advance notice of events and book sales.
  • Pride in knowing you are preserving and improving library service in our community.
  • Borrowing the museum passes from the library.
Friends Membership Dues

Membership dues are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law and are eligible for many corporate matching fund programs. Use our Web page to start your membership or stop by at the Russian Langugage Public Library Circulation desk for Membership form.

We're here to help!


Send us a message Send us a message You will hear from us by the end of the next business day. Telephones Call us Front Desk:
(323) 978-7346
available during library open hours;
(424) 234-9493
agent is on call;
